Tools Panel
The Tools Panel contains miscellaneous tools to help you build your assistant.
Resource Search
Resource search is a big part of any generative AI assistant. Without good search results that contain up-to-date, accurate information, your generative assistant can't meet expectations. Although the Debug Workbench visualizes the search results that occur during a user turn, it's sometimes helpful to perform ad hoc searches against a resource to get a feel for how it behaves or to debug problematic cases. Ad hoc search is available in AI Resources and as a tool within your assistant's Tools Panel:
Clicking on a search result will expand the record and show all of its properties. This can also be helpful if you're unsure of the shape of your dataset records for purposes of building prompts.
Manage how panels open in AI Studio, you can define if panels open in split view, or one at a time, as well as define a default ordering for your panels.
Updated 9 months ago